Thursday, May 2, 2019

Notre Dame

The world grieved as our Grande Dame suffered the tragic fire last month. People of all faiths appreciated her place in history and her endurance during countless social and political upheavals. I share my hommage below, the pièce de résistance of my teapot collection, in remembrance. We can all  look forward to the restoration and reopening years away.

Until that day, when we can see her memorable facade in the skyline gliding down the Seine on a Bateau Mouche, I offer a perfect tourist stop at Notre Dame in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. As seen in my postcard below, the Basilica Notre Dame garnered a gothic revival style when it opened in 1682, after 10 years of construction. Many of the original architectural features remain, as well as some improvements including a bell tower. For more information select the link below.

Like the city of Montreal itself, French is the primary language for Mass, which surprised me when I was there last spring. There isn't an entrance fee to attend church services, but guided tours are reasonably priced, and you will be approached at the door for that service. In the evenings, there is a great laser display show projected inside the church for a nominal fee.

In London, Westminster Abbey has an admission fee and St. Paul's Cathedral charges 20 euros per person. It makes sense to keep these historical buildings in good repair. Nearly 14 million tourists a year visited Notre Dame Paris. If there was a visitor fee that could have generated 280 million euros (at 20 euros a person) - a healthy sum to maintain such a treasure. I predict that when Notre Dame Paris reopens there will be an entrance fee to fund needed maintenance.

While in Montreal, you will enjoy a vibrant food scene. Be sure to make reservations ahead of time. A great place to stay is the former Hyatt Regency, now a Doubletree (link below),  a short walking distance to Notre Dame, Chinatown, and Old Montreal. It is connected to one of the wonderful underground malls and transit systems.

Montreal is a great walking city with delicious neighborhood spots, such as Schwartz's Deli, click link at end. Shown in the picture below, their famous smoked beef (like corned beef) sandwiches will make you cry - they are that good! Around each corner you will find vibrant art displays like the quirky image below on a neighborhood building.

Great food, great shopping given the conversion rate to the dollar, and a quick flight from Chicago, New York, or Florida, make a compelling case to visit Notre Dame Basilica Montreal and to keep the spirit of Notre Dame Paris alive in our hearts.

Notre Dame teapot

Enormous Smoked Beef (like Corned Beef) Sandwich 

Quirky Artwork on Building near Schwartz's


Notre Dame Montreal

Doubletree Montreal

Schwartz's Deli Montreal