Monday, January 28, 2019

Cooking vessels: the verdict is in!

After spending a week cooking in Julia Child's kitchen in Provence, with its menagerie of pots and pans, I came home and wondered how important is the use of stainless steel versus cast iron in stove top cooking? I set up an informal experiment. I made 2 identical batches of Italian sauce in an All-Clad large pot and a Le Creuset. The All-Clad has a bit of a rise in the center of the bottom of the pot whereas the Le Creuset is completely flat. Surprisingly, the sauce cooked in the Le Creuset was much thicker and had a deeper flavor than the other batch. I had always used the All-Clad for making the recipe, so I found the results very interesting. Buon appetito!

Winning vessel

Julia Child's Kitchen Provence